Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Im sorry........

I know its been forever since I updated, but we have been crazy busy the last few months. after hyperbarics we tried to get back to normal life and that was tuff then then christmas and everything, slowly things calmed down but as you all know it only last a few days around here we have been fighting of colds, trips to the hospital, and just winter in all so anyways we are all doing well now and just so yu all know its gonna got even harder to update this as I got a job! yea i got a job! how cool is that well not yet totaly but I go tommorow for the last interview and to meet the residents ok so I am going to be working at a home for disable adults. I am super excited, best part they are paying for my to get my CNA so its totaly awesome, ill be working 2nd shift so it should work out good with the kids and brads work. anyways Brads birthday was monday so the kids made cards for him and we had cheesecake it was fun. we are waiting for winter to be over i cant do anymore frickin snow!!! oh scarlet still walking like crazy!!! well i will try and get pictures and stuff up soon
love ya

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