Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just a Little Update.......

Hey Everyone,
So The Trio had their 4th Bday a few weeks ago, we took them to the dells to Chula Vista for the weekend, it was sooooo much fun! Dan and Missy came up with their kiddos too, it was lots of fun we even did the Ducks the boys Loved it, Scar fell a sleep LOL. and we did the old time pictures they are soooo cute :)

Gage is doing Ok in School, hes so much like Brad hes soooo loud, so they "think" they are going to get him to talk in a inside voice Ha..good luck with that one! LOL he does a real good job making the teachers mad by doing stupid things so they call me like making a spit trail or cutting his socks...and its only kindergarten im scared for the next 11 years of school haha! no calls this week so maybe hes getting this behave thing down!

The Trio LOVE school and do soooo good, I finally got Scar potty trained and Mason is really close too, Hopefully we can get a better chair for the potty so Rhys can go to, he goes now but he has such a hard time sitting so they are supposed to be ordering him a good potty seat! oh we also started seeing a chiro with roni, hes doing really good with it he gets adjusted every week and does a round of microcurent..its supposed to wake up his nerves so hopefully get him using different ones, I don't see much of a change but other people say they do so we'll see....I think I am going to do the abductor release surgery with him :( he needs something and I think it will help, I talked with the doctors about not cutting the whole thing they are just going to cute a thing around the muscle so they wont hack the whole thing I'm cool with that! I think hes on for Dec.2nd!
I just got a new Camera, I am in LOVE haha! its amazing, I also got really lucky and have been giving the chance to work with Mike and Rachel of ArtzAngel they are both very talented and wonderful people, I did a wedding with mike a few weeks ago and learned sooo much! It was a great experience! I am excited they have asked me to help with some other shoots so I am very much looking forward to those! :) I also got the chance to shoot my friend Angel, it was a crazy good time we spent all day in Milwaukee just shooting and having fun! I will post pics on the Photography blog...hes super hot too! :)
Halloween is super exciting this year this weekend the kids got a bunch of stuff in Burlington to do a parade and trick or treating, Gage is being a Vampire, and the trio are my "see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil monkeys" haha! poor kids its proble the last year they will let me pick their costumes so I had to do something matching! haha! Me and Brad are going to a Halloween party next week it should be super fun we got some good costumes (cant tell what it is....just watch for pictures) haha!
Well that's about it around here! I will try and get more pictures up soon!
Take care


Anonymous said...

scarlet and madison have the same exact smiles!! LOL!!

Dana said...

The old time pictures are cute. I love it.