Friday, January 23, 2009

What goes in, Must come out! eeewwww!!!

So...... for Christmas the boys all got these really cool magnetics, They love them and have been a huge hit around here, see look don't they look like fun!?!?
Well I saw Mas with one of those shiny balls in his mouth the other day I yelled at him to get it out, and he some how ended up swallowing the damn thing, I was freaking out, but Brad said he'd be fine so we just watched him the last couple of days, the kids thought it was funny and kept trying to stick the other magnetic piece to his stomach thinking they would stick together! ha ha!

See Look Roxy was even ready to have a taste, they must be yummy! ;)

So Yesterday Mason say 'mom I pooped and the balls in the potty"
sure enough there is a shinny metal ball in the potty! really gross but pretty dang funny! I was gunna take a picture of it ( cuz I take pictures of everything) but Brad stepped in and said that's a really messed up thought to take a picture of something in a potty! ha ha! oh well I'm sure you get the idea! =)
In other news....Guess who's Birthday is coming up on the 28th??

Yep Dad is turning 29......that's old ;) so this weekend me and sparky are going out, and the fallowing weekend is the big go-kart race on the ice! should be a fun day, the kids are sooo excited bout the race, its been good leverage to keep them being good! he he! =)


1 comment:

Dana said...

My brother did the same with a marble. I remember it too, it was just too funny how it happened.
Happy early birthday to Brad. Matthew's is today.